Since I was in the chocolatier spirit, I also decided to modify one of Recchiuti's caramel recipes to try to replicate my favorite salt caramels from Sahagun.
Started out by tempering the chocolate in the machine...

Dusted some of the molds with lustre dust...

Then filled the chocolate molds and let them drain of excess chocolate. You're supposed to scrape the tops off again, but I waited too long for the dark chocolate, so they had set up too much and some got a little raggedy.

Then filled the molds with the ganache or caramel, and topped them with another layer of chocolate after filling was set...

Some of them turned out pretty well....

Others not so much....

The ginger ganache was a dark chocolate in a white chocolate mold, and the salt caramel was covered with dark chocolate.
Lessons for next time:
1. Use less lustre dust. I think less is more in this case...they looked a little funky.
2. Cut the salt in the caramel by 1 tsp. I got a little carried away, and it was a bit salty, even for me! But I will not let them go to waste, because I am frugal that way! ( "Don't waste chocolate": my number one motto).
3. Tempering: practice, practice, practice. I will try warming the molds first and letting the chocolate filled molds rest for a few minutes before draining for a thicker shell, which will hopefully release from the mold easier.
mmmm! looks delicious!
the molds you bought are really cool--especially the one you used for the salt caramels! i'm sure your mom was happy with the truffles, streaked or not, but in the future i will happily help you get rid of any truffles you feel are fails.
i am like melinda, i like to see the insides of things. was the caramel thick or did it ooze a bit?
glad to see you blogging!
Thanks! I will definitely take pictures of the insides next time...good idea. It was kind of an oozy caramel, but a little thicker than Sahagun's. That is the beauty of the molded can have more liquidy fillings! Anytime you want to swap some truffles for a slice of your yummy cake, you just let me know! :)
oh I like that chocoloate
i love eating that's why im too fat now :)
but most of the time what i eat are chocolates
in fact i buy macaroons online
because that's my favorite which is chocolate macaroons.
well anyway that chocolates above are interesting i wanna try that also.
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